Blog - Signs and More, Inc

Retail Store Sale Signs for the Upcoming Shopping Season!

Written by Bill Swanson | Tue, Sep 29, 2015 @ 01:27 PM

With the winter holiday shopping season fast approaching, more and more business clients ask us about the most effective retail store sales signs for Marietta, GA. Although the nature of your business and product selection greatly influences the need for signage, some products never disappoint. What are your options?

Window Graphics

Choose from letters and graphics. Combine the two to introduce messages and ask for the sale. Lettering explains about your latest discounts, special holiday promotions and informs about extended shopping hours. Graphics underscore the product lines you offer and provide seasonal decorations that put shoppers in the mood to become buyers at your store. We recommend a combination of the two. The graphics easily catch the eyes of shoppers while the lettering communicates your message in the most effective manner possible.

Sidewalk Signs

The classic retail sidewalk sign is the A-frame. It comes in a broad range of colors and widths. Our most successful clients rely on A-frames that feature insert pockets. Place your advertisement into these pockets for consumers to see. When you want shoppers to be aware of a special sale – examples include half-off or buy-one-get-one-free sale promotions – then we usually recommend that this message be imprinted boldly onto the sign itself.

Place it into the foot traffic that is in front of your store for best results. Doing so slows down the crowds, which is a great advantage for those who are also installing window graphics. Consumers turn toward your storefront and see the message display on your windowpanes. This one-two punch is highly effective and easily reels in foot traffic. Since this is a temporary signage product, it is also useful for mall stores.

Point of Purchase Signs

This product encourages the impulse buy. At the same time, it oftentimes provides a value to the consumer because it advertises savings while occasionally also educating the buyer. For example, wine stores like to use point of purchase signs to encourage the combination of brands and products for increased savings. They also assist their consumers with suggested food pairings. Point of purchase signs come as products with stands, shelf-mounted units or posters. You might also consider the use of floor graphics in this setting.

Hanging Banners

Some of the best retail store sale signs for the holiday shopping season in Marietta, GA, are hanging banners. Their temporary nature attracts attention because it signals a deal that will not be offered for long. In addition, these banners easily combine with other store signs to create a powerful effect on bargain hunters and last-minute shoppers. Advertise anything from deep discounts to special sales and new product lines. Moreover, this is the kind of banner that you might hang on the interior of the store, to turn a shopper into a buyer, or on the exterior. There, it encourages consumers to visit your venue for a look at products that can meet their needs.

The professionals at Signs & More look forward to working with you on highly effective retail store signs for the upcoming shopping season. Contact us today to get started on the process.